Use of Electronic Devices in Clinical Policy

Use of Electronic Devices in Clinical Policy jeff

This policy establishes guidelines for the appropriate and professional use of electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets, computers) by nursing students during clinical. “Clinical” is the various settings utilized in any clinical nursing course (for example, skills laboratory, acute care facilities, sub-acute and rehabilitation facilities, long-term care facilities, clinics and physician offices, and community settings). Students must adhere to the clinical facility's and the College’s policies regarding using electronic devices in clinical settings.

If electronic devices are approved for use according to clinical facility policy, the following restrictions apply:

  • Electronic devices may only be used for clinically-related reasons as approved by each clinical instructor and/or course coordinator.
  • All devices must be kept on “silent” or “vibrate” mode in the clinical setting.
  • Using electronic devices for personal communication (e.g., email, text, social media) or other personal reasons unrelated to clinical use is strictly prohibited. No earbuds are to be worn on the clinical floor.
  • Taking any voice recordings, photographs, or videos during clinical is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are responsible for adhering to the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) regulations regarding protected health information. Students may not download or store any confidential client data on a personal electronic device.

Violations of this policy and/or the policy of the clinical facility may result in clinical remediation or failure.