Crisis Response Procedure

Crisis Response Procedure jeff

This response procedure is developed for implementation in the event of the death of or severe injury to a student, faculty or staff member, or other disaster, natural or otherwise. This procedure is intended to: assist those involved in dealing with the crisis to respond appropriately, provide coordination of external individuals, and agencies, provide communication within the College community, assist in post-crisis support and resolution.

The Dean of Nursing will serve as the response team coordinator and should be notified immediately of any situation that represents a crisis to the College. In the Dean's absence, the College President should be notified. Other members will be utilized on an as needed basis and will participate when the situation warrants, as decided by the coordinator.

Implementation Steps

  1. The first responder may need to call 911, hospital security, or other appropriate personnel in an emergency situation.
  2. The Dean of Nursing must be notified of the situation as soon as possible.
  3. Other members of the College or community may be contacted if appropriate.
  4. The College President and Dean will coordinate all information associated with the incident released externally by the College and respond to all requests for information from media personnel. College personnel must observe this requirement, directing all inquiries to the College President and Dean of Nursing to ensure accurate and consistent information.
  5. As soon as possible, the College President and Dean of Nursing will coordinate the notification of all affected College employees of the situation.
  6. If students are involved, the Dean will serve as the primary contact person for the family.
  7. In the event of the death of an enrolled student, the following personnel will assume the outlined responsibilities:
    • Registrar - close the official academic records
    • Library - renew all materials checked out to avoid inadvertent overdue/fine notices
    • Business Office - Process any allowable refund of tuition and fees. Finalize any remaining wage payment. Notify Dean of Nursing of any funds owed to or by the student.
    • Administration will be sought for post-crisis support and resolution.
    • The Dean will call meetings of all individuals who responded in the crisis to assess the College's Crisis Response Procedure and for debriefing of the response members.