Psychological Crisis / Suicide Threat
Psychological Crisis / Suicide Threat jeffIf threatening behavior represents an immediate threat - to self or others, contact the Police at 911 and the Dean of Nursing.
When reporting an incident to authorities:
- Provide address and location description.
- Provide the phone number at your location.
- Explain the situation to the dispatcher in detail.
- Describe actions taken (i.e., medication, type, and amount given), if any.
- Take all statements and behaviors seriously.
- It is better to overreact than to not do enough; a person’s life may be at risk.
- Immediately report your concern that a person may be suicidal. Timeliness in reporting the concern is vital.
- Always keep your own safety in mind.
- People who contemplate or attempt suicide are people whose pain has become more significant than their resources for coping with the pain.
- Engaging the person in professional help to develop their resources for coping is most appropriate.
Contact the LCN Behavior Intervention Team to consult about your concerns: (after-hours call 911)