Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-Degree Seeking Students jeff

Definition: Students not admitted to the nursing program but enrolled in Chemistry or Statistics courses.

Application Process
1. Complete the non-degree application, specifying the desired course(s)
2. Submit transcripts verifying prerequisites for enrolled courses
3. Await email confirmation of registration
- Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid
- Enrollment as a non-degree student does not guarantee admission to the nursing program
- To be considered for degree status, non-degree students must apply for admission

Student Progress
- Students are responsible for monitoring their academic standing in all courses.
- Regular feedback is provided through exam and assignment scores
- Midterm grades in SONIS reflect exam averages only and exclude supplemental coursework
- Academic improvement plans are not required for non-degree courses

Students are required to:
1. Attend all scheduled classes and laboratory sessions
2. Arrive on time
3. Remain for the entire designated class period

- Attendance is mandatory for all laboratory sessions
- Attendance will be recorded for each scheduled class and laboratory

Grading Scale for Non-Degree Seeking Students
Course content and subject matter determine the required work, as each syllabus describes. Grades are calculated using exam scores, labs, papers, assignments, etc. The grading scale is as follows:

GradeDescriptionScaleGrade Point Value
A- 93-963.7
B 87-893
B- 85-862.7
C 79-812
C- 77-781.7
D 72-731
D- 70-710.7


Testing and Test-Taking Policy
Exams are administered regularly in all courses and are expected to be taken as scheduled. If an exam is missed, it must be made up as soon as possible and no later than the next class session. The instructor will manage Exam Review, and details will be provided in the course syllabus.
Prohibited Items During Exams:
- Smartwatches
- Fitness trackers
- Hand-held technology
- Ball caps
- Sunglasses
- Food and drinks (including candy and cough drops)
- Earplugs and earbuds
- Student-brought calculators

Non-degree-seeking students should review the Policies and Standards of Behavior.