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Grade and Grading System

Grades are issued at the end of each semester. Course syllabi outline specific grading requirements. Students are responsible for seeking clarification from instructors regarding grading expectations.

Grading Scale

+/- scale effective fall 2021; grades earned prior to fall '21 remain as they are recorded.

GradeDescriptionScaleGrade Point Value
A- 93-963.7
B 87-893
B- 85-862.7
C 79-812
C- 77-781.7
D 72-731
D- 70-710.7
WWithdrew - No Grade -
AUAudit -
CRCredit -
IIncomplete -
PRProficiency -
RRepeat -
SSatisfactory (Clinical) -
UUnsatisfactory (Clinical) -

No grade will be rounded.

Course Grading Policy

1. Theory Exam Average Requirements:
• All courses except N311: Minimum 77% average on exams
• N311 Foundations of Professional Practice: Minimum 85% average on exams
2. Theory Grade Calculation:
• Exam averages are calculated before including other assignments
• If the exam average is below the minimum requirement, it becomes the final course grade
• Students fail the course if they do not meet the minimum exam average, regardless of other assignment grades
• If the exam average meets or exceeds the minimum requirement, other assignments are included in the final grade calculation
3. Courses with Clinical or Lab Components:
• Theory exam average and theory grade calculations as listed above
• All learning outcomes must be met for each clinical and/or lab component
• If all clinical and/or lab outcomes are met, the final grade is the theory grade if all clinical/lab outcomes are met
• Failure to meet any of the clinical/lab outcomes results in course failure. An “F” will be documented as the student’s grade.
4. Course Withdrawal:
• Students may withdraw before the deadline; refer to the course withdrawal policy.

Grading Policies
1. Extra Credit:
• No extra credit is offered to raise grades
• The maximum score on any assignment or exam is 100%
2. Grade Rounding:
• Grades are not rounded
• Whole numbers determine letter grades (e.g., 76.9 = 76, 84.5 = 84)
3. Grade Point Average (GPA):
• Calculated at the end of each semester and cumulatively
• All LCN nursing semester hours count toward the GPA
• GPA determines scholastic eligibility
• For GPA calculation details, consult the Registrar
4. Grade Reports:
• Official grades are issued at semester end in SONIS
• Grades are not provided over the phone or email (per FERPA 1974)

Dean's List
The Dean's List recognizes students who have demonstrated academic achievement. Students who complete a semester of 6 or more semester hours with a GPA of 3.6 or higher are eligible for the Dean's List.

Following each semester's final grade notification, the Dean's List may be forwarded to the media and/or posted on the Lakeview website. Information is released to newspapers based on the student's zip code. Students who do not wish their information to be published must opt out of Merit within the first week of the semester, for which the list will be publicized.

Incomplete Grades

A student may request an incomplete grade ("I") with the Dean of Nursing's approval when unable to complete coursework due to illness, serious injury, or circumstances beyond their control. An "I" may be assigned if at least three-quarters of the course has been completed with consistent progress. Failure to appear for a final exam or complete coursework on time does not justify an incomplete. The Course Coordinator will document the reason for the incomplete on the Incomplete Grade Record.

After the last day of class, the Course Coordinator will complete the incomplete form, set a completion date within 30 days, and distribute copies to the Registrar, Financial Aid Office, student, and themselves. The incomplete grade must be resolved within 30 days of the course's end. Failure to complete the course by the designated time will result in an "F" grade on the student's transcript. Any incomplete prerequisite course must be completed before starting the next nursing course. The due date for resolving the "I" grade applies regardless of the student's current enrollment status. The Dean will manage the grade disposition if the original Course Coordinator is unavailable.

Grade Appeal

Faculty Grading Authority
Course instructors are responsible for evaluating students' academic work according to the grading criteria outlined in the course syllabus. This aligns with the College's mission and academic policies. Instructors are expected to provide a constructive and critical assessment of student performance. The College does not review faculty judgments regarding the quality of students' work.

Grounds for Grade Appeal

Students may appeal a grade for the following reasons:

  1. An error in the calculation of the grade or clerical error in the recording of the grade that remains uncorrected;
  2. The assignment of a grade to a particular student by applying more requirements than were applied to other students in the course or
  3. The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than performance in the course or clinical.


The following are not grounds for a grade appeal:

  1. Specific test questions.
  2. The assignment was too challenging or required too much work.
  3. The assignment was poorly designed or facilitated.
  4. Final course grades.  


In all grade appeals, the student has the burden of proof. Note: The grade appeal is void if a student does not meet any of the steps by the set time frames.

Step 1: Before Appealing a Grade - Informal Conference with the Instructor

Before a student raises a concern about a grade, the student should review the syllabus carefully. After the syllabus review, the student who believes that a grade was improperly assigned must promptly meet with the instructor face-to-face to discuss the concerns within three (3) calendar days after submitting the grade in Edvance 360.

The best opportunity for a revised grade is with the faculty member - while an appeal to the Review Committee and Dean of Nursing is open, it is much less likely to result in a grade change. The instructor knows the student's work and is in a position to evaluate and assign a grade.

If the informal conference does not result in a mutually agreeable resolution, the student may proceed with the Formal Grade Appeal Process if it meets the requirements.

Written verification of each step below is critical to promote a thorough review.

Step 2: Appeal to the Instructor - Formal Grade Appeal

The student is responsible for organizing their argument and has three (3) calendar days from the informal conference to submit the following to the instructor of the course:

  1. Completed Formal Grade Appeal Form. The appeal form can be accessed via the Lakeview website here.
  2. Copies of any relevant supporting materials.


When a student discusses concerns about a grade, the case should be presented factually: the student needs to explain how they believe their work meets the criteria and rubrics the instructor assigned for the assignment.

Emotional language and personal attacks should be avoided. Mentioning grades in other classes is not relevant. When appealing for a grade, students may think mentioning if they are a "strong student" overall is relevant. However, to most instructors, that information is irrelevant; they are considering only the performance in their class.

Within five (5) calendar days from the date of receipt of the student's Formal Grade Appeal, the instructor shall complete the instructor’s section of the form. The instructor should explain how the grade in question was determined and address any other issues raised in the student's appeal statement. The instructor will submit the completed grade appeal form with their final decision and any supporting materials to the student.

Once the instructor has made a final decision about the grade appeal, the student has the right to appeal to the Review Committee – Faculty Organization. The student has three (3) calendar days to appeal the faculty's decision to the Review Committee. The student should sign and submit the appeal form to the Faculty Organization Chair.

Step 3: Appeal to the Review Committee – Faculty Organization 
The Faculty Organization Committee will:

  1. Verify that the student has valid grounds for an appeal.
  2. Schedule a meeting with the student and instructor. The student and the instructor will present their sides of the Formal Grade Appeal to the Faculty Organization Committee. The student has the opportunity to bring one support representative to the committee. The support representative must be named as attending at least 24 hours before the meeting and cannot be legal counsel.
  3. Prepare a written summary of the meeting that includes the informal meeting date and any outcome of the grade appeal.

Within three (3) calendar days, the Chair of the Committee will notify the student and the instructor in writing of the Committee’s decision. The student has three (3) calendar days to appeal the Review Committee's decision to the Dean of Nursing. The student should sign and submit the appeal form to the Dean of Nursing.

Step 4: Final Level of Review – Appeal to the Dean of Nursing

The Dean of Nursing will review the Formal Grade Appeal, all supporting material, and all decisions. The Dean of Nursing will also evaluate the process of the grade appeal. Within three (3) calendar days of receipt, the Dean of Nursing will make a final decision.

Step 5: What to Expect After Formal Grade Appeal

If the student's grade appeal is successful, the instructor will adjust the assignment grade to reflect the outcome. If the student's appeal is unsuccessful and the student thinks the grade will affect their future success in the course, the student should make an appointment with their academic advisor. The academic advisor can help the student plan whether or not to withdraw from the course or help identify academic improvement resources.