Accounts are due and payable in full on or before the date specified on the semester invoice, in accordance with the academic calendar. Students who do not pay in full, set up a payment plan through Lakeview (FACTS), and/or demonstrate approved financial aid coverage before the date specified will be dropped from all courses. Students Account Statements are mailed once and thereafter, students may log into SONIS to view their account statements.
All fiscal obligations must be cleared prior to registration for a subsequent term and prior to graduation on both campuses. Failure to make restitution will result in your ability to progress, or holding of diploma, transcripts, and Certification of Education form sent to the State by the College which allows you to sit for the NCLEX examination.
Financial obligations may be met through direct payment, scholarships, grants, loans or payment plans. Information about financial assistance may be obtained from the College Financial Aid Office. Any funding source received on the student’s behalf, and processed by Lakeview College of Nursing, shall first be applied to any outstanding current balance of the direct cost of tuition, fees and books.
Students can demonstrate the ability to pay tuition and fees in one of the following methods:
Payment in full prior to the start of classes by the specified billing deadline.
Authorized (completed and verified file) financial aid and/or scholarship award at a level to fully cover tuition and fee costs.
Authorized third party pay (such as College Illinois, Voc Rehab, WIA, etc.).
Utilization of the FACTS tuition payment plan secured by specific billing deadline.
Any outstanding balance owed by students for tuition, fees, and books, after the funding source has been exhausted, may be paid to Lakeview via the student FACTS payment agreement and/or cash, check, money order, Visa or MasterCard. Students must maintain prompt monthly payments to be eligible for continued payments via FACTS.