- Transfer Credit Policies
- Auditing Courses
- Background Checks
- Basic Knowledge, Attitudes, and Technical Standards
- Health Record Requirements
- Non-discrimination Policy
- Other Considerations for All Applicants
- Student Orientation
- Readmission Policy
Transfer Credit Policies
Academic Forgiveness Policy
Lakeview College of Nursing recognizes that students may have experienced academic difficulties at previous institutions. Applicants can request the Admission Committee to exclude previous coursework from the cumulative GPA calculation by submitting a written statement. In such cases, the committee will review the prerequisite GPA on the transcript evaluation. Students requesting academic forgiveness will not qualify for an early admission decision.
Accreditation & Credit by Examination
All transfer coursework must be completed from a regionally accredited college or university or earned through specific examinations outlined on our General Education Examination Scoring Requirements Page.
Limitations of credits earned through the Examinations are as follows:
1. Duplicate credit in the same subject is not awarded.
2. The total number of credits that may be awarded is limited to 48.
Time Limitations & Proficiency Exams for Prerequisite Science Coursework
Prerequisite science courses must be taken no more than five years before starting the nursing program unless the student is a licensed RN. This applies to:
• Anatomy and Physiology I & II
• Chemistry I & II [Effective Fall 2025, Chemistry II is not a prerequisite requirement and has been replaced with a Mathematics or Science Elective. The Mathematics or Science Elective is not subject to time limitations.]
• Microbiology
Exception: If one part of a two-part course is completed within the last five years, credits for the other part will be recognized if it meets other transfer guidelines.
Students with outdated prerequisite science courses must either repeat the course or pass a college proficiency test. Contact the admissions office for more information about proficiency options. Please check the tuition and fees section for associated costs.
LPN Proficiency Exams - Nursing Courses
LPNs must provide a copy of their LPN State Licensure and pass a proficiency exam and skills test to be exempt from the N311: Foundations of Professional Practice. A proficiency exam is also available for the N313: Basic Concepts of Pathophysiology. Please check the tuition and fees section for associated costs.
Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)
Lakeview College of Nursing recognizes IAI status for ease of transferability. LCN elective requirements are easily identified and accepted when categorized through the Illinois Articulation Initiative.
For transfer equivalencies of general education requirements:
• Illinois colleges/universities: Visit www.itransfer.org or http://itransfer.org/courses/worksheet.php
• Out-of-state or non-IAI courses: Contact a Lakeview College of Nursing admissions representative
General Education Exemption and Prerequisite Requirements for Those with a Previous Bachelor's
Students with a previous bachelor's degree (cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better) from an accredited institution are exempt from general education requirements. However, specific prerequisite courses must be completed with a "C" or better grade.
Required prerequisite courses:
- Anatomy & Physiology I or Human Anatomy (4 credits with lab)
- Anatomy & Physiology II or Human Physiology (4 credits with lab)
- Chemistry I or Inorganic Chemistry * (4 credits with lab)
- Chemistry II or Organic/Biochemistry * (4 credits with lab) [Effective Fall 2025, Chemistry II is not a prerequisite requirement and has been replaced with a Mathematics or Science Elective.]
- Life Span Development or Human Growth & Dev. (3 credits)
- Medical Terminology (1 credit)
- Microbiology (4 credits with lab)
- Nutrition (3 credits)
- Statistics (3 credits) *
*Indicates courses offered at Lakeview College of Nursing. All coursework fulfilled at another institution must be indicated on an official transcript.
Transcript Submission:
Director of Enrollment/Registrar
Lakeview College of Nursing
903 N. Logan Ave.
Danville, IL 61832
See information on Health Records and Background Checks for additional requirements.
Auditing Courses
Students may register to audit a class on a space-available basis before the scheduled start date. Auditing is for theory coursework only, and students are expected to take exams. The auditing fee is $50 per credit hour.
Changing from audit to credit status or vice versa after the class has met requires written permission from the instructor. Students who change to credit status before the first class meeting will be assessed the total tuition rate without a late registration fee.
Background Checks
All nursing students offered admission must complete a criminal background check through CastleBranch or ViewPoint. Students will receive the appropriate information to complete this requirement once admitted. Clinical agencies may deny a student's participation in the clinical rotation because of a felony or misdemeanor conviction. As participation in clinical experiences is a required part of the curriculum and a requirement for graduation, denying participation by a clinical agency may result in delayed graduation or the inability to graduate from the nursing program.
Students who question their qualification for licensure in the State of Illinois should go to https://idfpr.illinois.gov/ and complete and submit the Non-Binding Advisory Opinion form (currently, no fee is required). This is a pre-application process to verify licensure qualifications. If you plan to seek licensure in another state, please refer to that state's Board of Nursing to verify your qualification for licensure. https://www.ncsbn.org/nursing-regulation/licensure.page
Basic Knowledge, Attitudes, and Technical Standards
Professionalism - is expected from all nursing students at all times while in the nursing program. Professionalism is reflected by lifelong learning, appearance, demeanor, respectful communication, punctuality in attendance and assignments, providing service to the community, and engaging in activities that promote nursing.
Punctuality - is consistently demonstrating promptness when meeting scheduled class, clinical, lab, and simulated learning experiences. It reflects initiative, enthusiasm, and active engagement in learning assignments and clinical experiences. Students are expected to attend class regularly. Specific requirements for class attendance and consequences for tardiness/absences can be found in the Student Handbook. The clinical, lab, and simulated learning experience, attendance as scheduled is required, and tardiness is unacceptable. A reasonable expectation is to arrive at the clinical site a minimum of 15 minutes before to the start of the assigned clinical time. Tardiness necessitates a plan of action initiated by the clinical instructor or preceptor that requires the student’s commitment to be punctual for subsequent scheduled activities. A pattern of tardiness may result in a failing grade for the class, lab, clinical, or simulated learning experience since a lack of personal accountability is inconsistent with professional nursing and safe patient care.
Conflict Management - Demonstrates collaborative problem-solving skills in the event or conflict relevant to the course, clinical, lab, or simulation experience occurs. Conflict management skills include:
• Engaging in timely and constructive dialogue with the immediate participants to clarify the issue.
• Consulting in a timely fashion with an advisor, clinical scholar/instructor, or preceptor.
• Accurately identifying the negotiable and non-negotiable issues.
• Determining an effective strategy to achieve mutual goals and following through respectfully with the decision.
Constructively uses opportunities throughout the course to communicate questions and concerns relevant to the course/assignment outcome competencies. Comments on the course, faculty, and preceptor evaluations are specific and include constructive feedback on effective teaching and learning strategies, as well as recommendations for improvement.
Disrespectful behaviors, including making demands, blaming others for one’s mistakes, or demeaning others, are considered unprofessional and unacceptable in a collaborative and positive learning environment. Unprofessional conduct will be referred to the Dean, who will consult with faculty, Lakeview College of Nursing administration, and representatives from the affiliating clinical agency, as appropriate, to determine subsequent action, which may include referral to the Student Affairs Committee.
Lakeview College of Nursing students are guests in affiliating clinical agencies or practice sites. A positive working relationship between the College and affiliating clinical agencies is imperative to assure quality placements in sufficient numbers for all students across clinical courses. Unprofessional communication or behavior reflects poorly on the Lakeview College of Nursing student body and jeopardizes future clinical placements. Deceleration, suspension, and withdrawal are options for students who determine that clinical placements/schedules are unacceptable to them. Students are accountable for all information sent by the Lakeview College of Nursing email and must commit to checking for updated information as frequently as needed to identify new and changing information.
Respect - Courtesy, consideration, respect, and positive regard are conditions for learning. It demonstrates attentiveness, politeness, consideration for others in all learning environments and with patients, peers, health care providers, faculty, and staff. Respect is displayed by:
- Refraining from intruding, interrupting, distracting, or otherwise limiting the opportunities for learning.
- Interacting with all others with demonstrations of respect, tolerance, and caring. Body language, nonverbal behaviors, including voice tone, and personal opinion must at all times demonstrate professionalism and collegiality.
- Demonstrating respect for diversity of race, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, gender, age, socio-economic status of patients, peers, and other care providers.
A student may be removed from the class, clinical, lab, or simulated learning experiences for disrespecting the learning or working environment and interfering with the learning or work of others. The ability to return to the class, clinical, lab or simulated learning experience is dependent on a commitment to demonstrate civility.
Confidentiality – Demonstrates respect for patient confidentiality within and outside the agency. Students must maintain patient confidentiality in all communication, including use of electronic media. Extreme caution must be exhibited in relaying information about clinical experiences in any social networking media (e.g., blogs, Facebook) by never referencing clinical information that identifies people, place, or specific events. Well-intentioned reflection can jeopardize patient rights and your professional standing if perceived as violating ethical and legal parameters of confidentiality, patient privacy rights, and health privacy laws.
Technical Standards
Lakeview College of Nursing is committed to diversity and to attracting and educating students who will make the population of health care professionals representative of the national population. Our core values Adaptability, Caring, Excellence, Integrity, and Service, translate into our work with all students, including those with disabilities. Lakeview College of Nursing actively collaborates with students to develop innovative ways to ensure accessibility and creates a respectful, accountable culture through our confidential disability support. Lakeview is committed to excellence in accessibility; we encourage students with disabilities to disclose and seek accommodations.
Lakeview College of Nursing provides the following sample descriptions/examples of technical standards to inform incoming and enrolled students of the performance abilities and characteristics that are necessary to complete the requirements of the nursing curriculum and provide effective and safe health care. To matriculate (enroll) the student must meet technical standards outlined below with or without reasonable accommodations and maintain related satisfactory demonstration of these standards for progression through the program.
If you had sufficient education, would you be able to perform the following technical standards:
Acquire Information:
- Acquire information from demonstrations and experiences in nursing courses such as lecture, group and physical demonstrations.
- Review and collect information from written documents and computer systems (e.g., literature search & data retrieval).
- Identify information presented in images from paper, presentation slides, videos, and transparencies.
- Recognize and assess patient changes in mood, activity, cognition, verbal, and non-verbal communication.
Use and Interpret:
- Collect and analyze information from assessment techniques/maneuvers such as those involved in assessing respiratory and cardiac function, blood pressure, blood sugar, neurological status, etc.
- During a comprehensive examination of a client or patient, gather and explore information related to physiologic phenomena generated from diagnostic tools (i.e., sphygmomanometer, otoscope, ophthalmoscope).
- Possess psychomotor skills necessary to provide holistic nursing care and perform or assist with procedures, treatments, and medication administration.
- Practice in a safe manner to provide care in emergent and non-emergent situations, implement life support procedures, and perform universal precautions against contamination.
- Communicate effectively, respectfully and sensitively with patients and families.
- Communicate effectively and respectfully with faculty, preceptors and all members of the healthcare team during practicum and other learning experiences.
- Accurately elicit information, including medical history and other information from a patient and family or other support to adequately and effectively evaluate a client or patient's condition.
Intellectual ability:
- Measure, calculate, reason, analyze, and synthesize data related to patient condition.
- According to the advanced generalist nursing role, exercise proper judgment and complete responsibilities promptly and accurately.
- Synthesize information, problem-solve and think critically to evaluate the most appropriate theory or assessment strategy.
- Ask for help when needed, and make proper judgments of when a nursing task can or cannot be carried out alone.
- Maintain mature, sensitive, effective relationships with clients/patients, families, students, faculty, staff, preceptors, and other professionals under all circumstances.
- Exercise skills of diplomacy to advocate for patients in need.
- Possess emotional stability to function under stress and adapt to changing environments inherent to the classroom and practice settings with or without accommodations.
- Concern for others, integrity, accountability, interest, and motivation are necessary personal qualities.
- Demonstrate intent and desire to follow the ANA Standards of Care and Nursing Code of Ethics.
Lakeview College of Nursing endeavors to ensure that students have access to its facilities, programs, and services are available to students with disabilities. The College provides reasonable accommodations to students on a nondiscriminatory basis consistent with legal requirements as outlined in the Americans with Disabiliteis Act (ADA) of 1990, the American with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to an instructional activity, facility, program, or service that enables a qualified student with a disability to have an equal opportunity to participate in all student activities. To be eligible for accommodations, a student must have a documented disability defined by the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The ADA, the ADAAA, and Section 504 all define disability as (a) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual; (b) a record of such impairment; or (c) being regarded as having such a condition.
The College uses a case-by-case, interactive decision-making process to determine reasonable accommodations taking into consideration each student's disability-related needs, disability documentation, and program requirements. While Lakeview College of Nursing will make every effort to work with students with disabilities to accommodate their disability-related needs, Lakeview College is not required to provide accommodations that fundamentally alter or waive essential program requirements.
After reviewing the technical standards, students who determine that they require accommodations to engage in the program should contact the Disability Services to discuss their accommodation needs, confidentially. Given the clinical nature of our programs, additional time may be needed to implement accommodations. Accommodations are never retroactive; therefore, timely requests are essential and encouraged.
Health Record Requirements
Health records are mandatory for all degree-seeking students. All documents must be uploaded into the appropriate system by the due date. Students starting the program prior to May 2023 will upload documents into CastleBranch. A student starting the program after May 2023 will upload their documents into Viewpoint. If you have any questions or problems, please contact CastleBranch or ViewPoint directly.
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) –The student must have their blood drawn to check their immunity status. This must be completed regardless of how many vaccines the student has received in the past. This blood draw is called a titer. The student should upload this titer. The student will receive guidance based on the results of the titer.
Positive Titer: Student is immune—no further action required.
Negative Titer: Student is not immune. The student must repeat a series of 2 vaccines. The first vaccine should be administered now. The second vaccine will be administered 30 days after the first vaccine. The student will have another titer drawn 30 days after the second vaccine. Upload documentation for each step as it is completed. - Varicella – The student must have blood drawn to check their immunity status. This must be completed regardless of how many vaccines the student has received in the past. This blood draw is called a titer. The student should upload this titer. The student will receive guidance based on the results of the titer.
Positive Titer: Student is immune—no further action required.
Negative Titer: Student is not immune. The student must repeat a series of 2 vaccines. The first vaccine should be administered now. The second vaccine will be administered 30 days after the first vaccine. The student will have another titer drawn 30 days after the second vaccine. Upload documentation for each step as it is completed. - Hepatitis B -- The student should upload documentation of any previously received Hepatitis B vaccinations. A total of 3 Hepatitis B vaccinations must be documented before a titer is drawn. The typical timing for this series of vaccines is as follows:
o Vaccine 1- As soon as possible
o Vaccine 2- 30 days after vaccine 1
o Vaccine 4 – 5 months after vaccine 2
The student must have their blood drawn to check their immunity status 30 days after receiving the third vaccine. This blood draw is called a titer. The student will be directed based on the results of that titer.
Positive Titer: Student is immune—no further action required.
Negative Titer: The student is not immune. The student must repeat the series of 3 vaccines. The first vaccine should be administered now. The second vaccine will be administered 30 days after the first vaccine. The third vaccine will be administered 5 months after the second vaccine. The student will have a titer drawn 30 days after the third immunization. - Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) - The student must complete one of the following requirements annually:
1. The two-step TB test upon admission to the college. A single-step technique can be used for annual renewals if the current test has not expired. Otherwise, a two-step must be completed again.
2. The Quantiferon Gold Blood test upon admission to the college. This method will be required if a student has had a BCG vaccine or a past positive result.
3. A student with a history of positive results must submit documentation of a negative chest x-ray upon admission and yearly. The student will be required to do a yearly TB questionnaire during enrollment - Tetanus Booster (Tdap) – Booster must be within the last 10 years of the administering date (Tetanus Toxoid (TT) not acceptable).
- Seasonal Flu Vaccination - Required annually during flu season. Due October 15.
- Meningococcal Vaccine - Proof of immunization
- COVID-19 Vaccine - must be fully vaccinated the show proof of one of the following:
~two-dose Pfiszer Vaccine
~two-dose Moderna Vaccine
~one-dose Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
(Medical or Religious Exemptions or Pregnancy Deferral is available.)
- CPR Certification – Must be renewed every 2 years.
Only two courses are accepted:
The American Heart Association-BLS Healthcare Provider –OR–
The American Red Cross-CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and Health Care Providers - Physical Examination - Must be within the last year. Must utilize Lakeview College of Nursing's Technical Standards / Health Evaluation form.
- 10 Panel Urine Drug Screen - Must be completed through the CastleBranch or ViewPoint. (Please review the drug policy)
Highly recommended vaccination:
- Hepatitis A
- Covid Booster(s)
Additional information regarding the health requirements are provided in the enrollment packet.
Non-discrimination Policy
Lakeview College of Nursing is committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all programs and activities. We do not discriminate based on:
• Race
• Color
• Religion
• Sex
• National origin
• Age
• Sexual orientation
• Marital status
• Gender identity
• Veteran status
• Ancestry
• Disability
This policy applies to all aspects of our nursing program and activities, including but not limited to recruiting, admissions, academics, disciplinary processes, and co-curricular activities.
If you have a concern, please email studentsfirst@lcn.edu. For formal complaints of discrimination:
1. File through the College's Grievance Policy, or
2. Contact the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights:
Phone: 1-800-421-3481
Online: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/howto.html
Lakeview College of Nursing is dedicated to maintaining an inclusive and equitable environment for all members of our college community.
Other Considerations for All Applicants
- Registered nurses must be licensed by the state(s) in which they plan to work. Persons making application for licensure are screened for criminal records and/or convicted felonies. If you have a criminal record, you should consider seeking individual legal counsel as to the possibility of being ineligible for licensure and/or clinical experiences prior to applying for admission to the program. Background check information may be shared with the College’s clinical sites.
- Admission to the BSN Program involves a significant time commitment. Students should expect to spend 20-30 hours per week on course related work on campus and in clinical placements. Students are required to be at clinical sites at 6:30 am for some clinical sites and on occasion may also be assigned afternoon, evening and Saturday clinicals. Transportation to clinical sites is the responsibility of the student.
- Registered nurses are exposed to a variety of substances within the work environment and other work sites such as occasional fluctuations in temperature, latex products and electro-magnetic radiation. Exposure to electrical hazards, loud or unpleasant noises and occasional high humidity or wetness are the norm.
- It is highly advisable that all prospective students participate in an RN clinical job shadowing experience prior to applying.
- Lakeview College of Nursing refrains from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including tuition assistance funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance. Furthermore, high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts by phone, email, or in-person and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing enrollments is banned.
In consideration of the above items, along with the non-discrimination policy and the core performance standards, Lakeview College of Nursing may review individual cases and provide feedback as to medical and/or legal suitability. The College recommends that applicants seek professional legal advice regarding the previously mentioned items.
Student Orientation
Student Orientation is mandatory for all new degree-seeking students and occurs the week before the start of a semester. Failure to attend may prevent a student from starting any clinical course.
Readmission Policy
Students who have been academically dismissed or have withdrawn from the nursing program may apply for readmission under the following conditions:
Minimum cumulative LCN GPA of 2.00 on a 4.0 scale (excludes students who did not complete the first semester).
Application for readmission must be received within two calendar years of leaving the College. Academically dismissed students must wait one semester (including summer) before reapplying.
Eligibility for readmission depends on the ability to complete program requirements within six years.
The Admission Committee will review applications no more than twice. After two unsuccessful applications, students become ineligible for readmission.
Applicants must review and meet technical standards, with or without accommodations.
Readmission is limited to once per student.
Students repeating a clinical nursing course must retake both theory and clinical components.
Readmitted students must meet the following course progression requirements:
- Pass all previously failed or withdrawn LCN courses with 77% or higher.
- Pass N311: Foundations of Professional Practice with 85% or higher.
- Cannot withdraw from or fail any previously enrolled course.
Readmitted students may withdraw from one new course. All other coursework must be passed with 77% or higher (85% for N311), adhering to the Student Academic Progression (SAP) policy.
Students must meet graduation requirements at the time of graduation.
Note: Military students who withdraw due to service obligations are exempt from this policy.
Steps for Readmission
The following items will be required when applying for readmission:
1. Completed readmission application form.
2. Letter to the Admissions Committee requesting readmission, addressing:
a. Reasons for dismissal or withdrawal
b. Personal behaviors and external factors to dismissal or withdrawal
c. Reflection on previous academic improvement plans
d. Preparation during absence, such as:
• Healthcare work experience
• Coursework to improve weak areas
• Resolution of personal issues affecting performance
• Development of a detailed action plan
e. Detailed plan for implementing changes to promote success. Students needing access to their records (e.g., Academic Improvement Plans) for the readmission process should contact the Registrar.
3. Signed confidentiality waiver form.
4. $100 non-refundable readmission fee (subject to change).
5. Successful completion of progressive readmittance testing.
a. Dosage calculation exam
b. Concept map-care plan competency
c. Skill competency check-off
d. Comprehensive examination
6. Attendance at a formal interview.
a. The Admission Committee will email interview dates. Students are responsible for providing current contact information.
Students are notified via email and US postal mail of the Admission Committee’s decision which is final.
Readmitted Students
It is considered an appeal approval for Federal/State student aid regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status. Student Financial Aid Status is Financial Aid Probation.
Must update their criminal background check and drug screen by the due date of their health records (see due dates in the Readmission Committee’s decision letter).
Enrollment is contingent on clinical space availability. Students can be deferred for a future semester and do not need to reapply for readmission.
Transfer Credit from Lakeview College of Nursing
The acceptance of credits from Lakeview College of Nursing by other institutions is subject to the receiving institution's policies. Lakeview College of Nursing cannot guarantee:
1. Acceptance of transfer credits
2. Equivalency of transferred credits
Students planning to transfer should consult the receiving institution's transfer policies.