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Readmission Policy

Students who have been academically dismissed or have withdrawn from the nursing program may apply for readmission under the following conditions:

  1. Minimum cumulative LCN GPA of 2.00 on a 4.0 scale (excludes students who did not complete the first semester).

  2. Application for readmission must be received within two calendar years of leaving the College. Academically dismissed students must wait one semester (including summer) before reapplying.

  3. Eligibility for readmission depends on the ability to complete program requirements within six years.

  4. The Admission Committee will review applications no more than twice. After two unsuccessful applications, students become ineligible for readmission.

  5. Applicants must review and meet technical standards, with or without accommodations.

  6. Readmission is limited to once per student.

  7. Students repeating a clinical nursing course must retake both theory and clinical components.

  8. Readmitted students must meet the following course progression requirements: 

  • Pass all previously failed or withdrawn LCN courses with 77% or higher.
  • Pass N311: Foundations of Professional Practice with 85% or higher.
  • Cannot withdraw from or fail any previously enrolled course.
  1. Readmitted students may withdraw from one new course. All other coursework must be passed with 77% or higher (85% for N311), adhering to the Student Academic Progression (SAP) policy.

  2. Students must meet graduation requirements at the time of graduation.

Note: Military students who withdraw due to service obligations are exempt from this policy.

Steps for Readmission

The following items will be required when applying for readmission:
1. Completed readmission application form.
2. Letter to the Admissions Committee requesting readmission, addressing:
a. Reasons for dismissal or withdrawal
b. Personal behaviors and external factors to dismissal or withdrawal
c. Reflection on previous academic improvement plans
d. Preparation during absence, such as:
• Healthcare work experience
• Coursework to improve weak areas
• Resolution of personal issues affecting performance
• Development of a detailed action plan
e. Detailed plan for implementing changes to promote success. Students needing access to their records (e.g., Academic Improvement Plans) for the readmission process should contact the Registrar. 
3. Signed confidentiality waiver form.
4. $100 non-refundable readmission fee (subject to change).
5. Successful completion of progressive readmittance testing.  
a. Dosage calculation exam
b. Concept map-care plan competency
c. Skill competency check-off
d. Comprehensive examination
6. Attendance at a formal interview.
a. The Admission Committee will email interview dates. Students are responsible for providing current contact information.

Students are notified via email and US postal mail of the Admission Committee’s decision which is final.

Readmitted Students

  1. It is considered an appeal approval for Federal/State student aid regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status. Student Financial Aid Status is Financial Aid Probation. 

  2. Must update their criminal background check and drug screen by the due date of their health records (see due dates in the Readmission Committee’s decision letter).

  3. Enrollment is contingent on clinical space availability. Students can be deferred for a future semester and do not need to reapply for readmission.  

Transfer Credit from Lakeview College of Nursing

The acceptance of credits from Lakeview College of Nursing by other institutions is subject to the receiving institution's policies. Lakeview College of Nursing cannot guarantee:
1. Acceptance of transfer credits
2. Equivalency of transferred credits
Students planning to transfer should consult the receiving institution's transfer policies.