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Higher Education Housing and Opportunities Act

As an institute of Higher Learning in the state of Illinois, Lakeview College of Nursing offers assistance to
any enrolled homeless student or student in care, as defined by the Higher Education Housing and
Opportunities Act. Lakeview College of Nursing recognizes that what a student experiences outside of
the classroom greatly affects learning and positive outcomes.

A homeless student is defined as an individual enrolled in an institution who lacks or is at imminent risk
of lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or whose parent or legal guardian is unable
or unwilling to provide shelter and care and includes a homeless individual as defined under the
federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

Student in care is defined as any person, regardless of age, who is or was under the care and legal
custody of the Department of Children and Family Services, including youth for whom the Department
has court-ordered legal responsibility, youth who aged out of care at age 18 or older, or youth formerly
under care who have been adopted and were the subject of an adoption assistance agreement or who
have been placed in private guardianship and were the subject of a subsidized guardianship agreement.

A HOUSE (Housing and Opportunities that are Useful for Students’ Excellence) liaison has been assigned
to assist any student that may fit the criteria of homeless or student in care. Please contact Tammy
Garza, Assistant Director of Financial Aid, at tgarza@lcn.edu. Reporting will be provided to the State of
Illinois regarding services provided to students.

A list of resources is provided to further assist with students’ needs of homelessness and food insecurity.

State of Illinois Resources https://www.illinois.gov/services/service.apply-snap-medical-assistance.html

Danville and surrounding area

United Way https://www.unitedwayda.org/
Community Services Directory https://vchelp.org/
Vermilion County Resource list https://www.vermilionhousing.com/residents/resources/
Vermilion and Iroquois County Food Pantries https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/vermilion_and_iroquois_food_pa.html
Vermilion County Help Network https://www.cityofdanville.org/272/Community-Resources
Salvation Army https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/danville/
Danville Area Food Resources https://www.danville118.org/Page/453
East Central Illinois Community Action Agency https://comaction.org/

Charleston and surrounding area

United Way Partner Agencies in Coles County https://colesunitedway.org/partner-agencies
Community Online Resource Directory https://www.sarahbush.org/cord/
Coles County Resource Guide https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/d45da7e1/files/uploaded/Coles%20County%20Resource%20Guide.pdf
Charleston Area Churches Food Pantry https://charlestonfoodpantry.org/
Central Illinois Food Bank https://www.centralilfoodbank.org/
Hope of East Central Illinois https://hope-eci.org/
The Haven https://mattoonhaven.org/
Salvation Army https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/midland/mattoon/